Lighthouse Health & Wellness Initial Survey Thank you for taking the time to complete this 8 question survey. The goal of this survey is for our team to learn more about your perspectives and preferences as it relates to the Lighthouse app and overall program. There are no right or wrong answers and all of your responses will remain confidential. **Please be sure you have downloaded and viewed the Lighthouse Health & Wellness App prior to starting this survey**1. What comes to mind when you think of a mobile app for health and wellness?2. What are some possible benefits to having a health and wellness app for the department?3. What are some possible barriers to officers using the app?4. In looking at the list of options for resources, what do you think might be the most useful?5. What are your views of the ease of use of the Lighthouse app in comparison to other options for support?6. What are your views of the overall format and ability to access the most important features?7. What aspects do you think are the most important to highlight when introducing the app to officers throughout the department?a. If you were to describe the app to a peer, what would you say?8. In what ways, if any, could the Lighthouse app be enhanced to improve offices’ attitudes toward using a mobile app for physical and mental health support?